所在小组:第五组 (所有成员回帖)
组内昵称: 李锦锐、张学广、陈松彬、王传义、肖思成、郑伟钊、孙恒
By: 张学广
Author: @陈松彬
Date: 2020-9-20
- 硬件层
- 内核层
- 应用层
- 对于系统设计的时候,如果比较复杂,不如先对系统进行模块划分,之后再考虑具体实现
- 设计模块对外的接口时候,一定要尽量保证接口定义,不要轻易改变,因此设计接口的时候,不妨多些考虑
(1)在应用设计的时候,考虑存储,也可以借鉴这种存储设计,比如设计一个TSDB(Time Series Database):
假设:对于t-1 day的相关查询占据了总查询90%,而对于更早之前的查询只占据了10%
- t-1 day的数据存储在内存
- 其他数据存储在SSD、或者更廉价的机械硬盘
sum := 0 for element := range array or linklist sum += element
- 操作系统与内核的关系?
- 系统调用的具体流程?
- 怎么理解系统调用中”陷入内核“这个概念?
- CPU中,多级缓存L1、L2、L3与内存的一致性如何保证?
By: 王传义
关于 一个程序是如何执行的,具体来说在单核下 执行2个字如何 理解的。
(1) shell 执行fork +exec命令运行一个程序。因此可见程序运行需要一个地址空间,包括只读段,堆栈这些虚拟空间. 这个时候经常进程创建成功。这只是静态部分,如果单任务情况下已经满足了。
(2) 进程执行具体是通过线程调用(默认一个线程)完成的。
场景:在执行过程需要IO操作 鼠标键盘,,网络 信号等任务时候。需要操作系统中断机制 完成协同工作。
vmstat 查看 in数量小于cs的印证了,上下文切换触发原因多种(进程,线程 切换 和中断切换)
(4) 有什么办法减少上下文切换?
a :无锁编程 ,一般锁会触发中断,内核用的说和普通高级说还不一样
b: 协程:上下文切换在内核完成,在用户态完成。
By: 肖思成
By: 李锦锐
Chapter 1 -Notes
Chapter 1 is the roadmap of this book started by a simple example that every programmer should have known - The “Hello world” program.
Unlike other book’s, The author break this program down into serval part and introduces the idea in computer systems by tracing the life cycle of the program, which give me a more clear picture of what this program doing in machine level.
There is a few key concepts I would like to bear in mind in the future .
Bits + Context = Information .
If you search wiki for the definition of information, there is a lots[bad expression] of sayings. But the author says, in the computer science context, information is equal to bits with context. information can be defined to bits with context.
All information in a system is represented as a bunch of bits . For example, the hello.c program is stored in a file as a sequence of bytes.
the same bits with different context , can be represent different things. it could be an integer, floating-point number, character strings, or machine instruction.
what is it context the above talking about ? I thought it mean the state of cpu register or the state of the process, for which it can take the same input bits, but interpret it into different objects.
A memory hierarchy
Why we need memory hierarch ?
Because, On top of the memory hierarchy memory has faster access time, less capacity and higher cost per bit stored. At the bottom there is larger storage capacity, slower access time and lower cost per bit stored.
As the book says
As we move from the top of hierarchy to the bottom, the devices become slower, larger, and less costly per byte.
More Detail:
Memory Hierarchy Introduction
Operating system manages the hardware
There two primary purposes of operating system:
- to protect the hardware from misuse by application
- to provide applications with simple and uniform mechanisms for manipulating low-level devices .
So it can be discussed into three parts: process、virtual memory、files.
Level of concurrency
- Concurrency, refer to the general concept of a system with multiple, simultaneous activities
- Parallelism, refer to the use of concurrency to make a system run faster.
There is a three ways of concurrency:
- The thread level
- Instruction level
- Single-Instruction, Multiple-Data (SIMD) Parallelism.
What is the different of these three levels ? how to distinguish them from each other ?
You are 【poised 】for an exciting journey
You will learn the promises and 【pitfalls】 of concurrency
C also lacks 【explicit】 support for useful abstractions .
We do not know 【the inner workings】 of the compiler .
The 32-bit code that has become 【ubiquitous】 on machines running Linux, Windows.
The shell prints a prompt and waits for the next input command line.
The executable program 【resides】 on the disk.
A system can get the effect of both a very large memory and a very fast one by 【exploiting】 locality, 【the tendency for 】programs to access data and code in localized regions.
We can think of the operation system as a layer of software 【interposed 】between the application program and the hardware.
This concludes our initial 【whirlwind】 tour of systems.
By : 郑伟钊
By: 孙恒