第 3 期 2018-04-18 线下活动 - Go 标准包 strings 源码阅读(一)

Go 标准包阅读

基于 Go 1.10.1


  • builder.go
  • builder_test.go
  • compare.go
  • compare_test.go
  • example_test.go
  • export_test.go
  • reader_test.go
  • reader.go



  1. defer runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(1))
  2. runtime.ReadMemStats(&m1)
  3. defer_lock.go
package main

import (

func main() {
	var mu sync.Locker = new(I)
	defer LockUnlock(mu)()

func LockUnlock(mu sync.Locker) (unlock func()) {
	return mu.Unlock

type I struct{}

func (i *I) Lock() {

func (i *I) Unlock() {
  1. buf := make([]byte, len(b.buf), 2*cap(b.buf)+n) 为什么是2倍呢?

  2. // NOTE(rsc): This function does NOT call the runtime cmpstring function,
    // because we do not want to provide any performance justification for
    // using strings.Compare. Basically no one should use strings.Compare.
    // As the comment above says, it is here only for symmetry with package bytes.
    // If performance is important, the compiler should be changed to recognize
    // the pattern so that all code doing three-way comparisons, not just code
    // using strings.Compare, can benefit.

  3. b.buf = append(b.buf, s…) s是string,b.buf是[]byte

  4. int int64的问题? 在32位机器上进行int64原子操作时的panic

  5. defer LockUnlock(mu),如果LockUnlock(mu)没有带(),则会丢失func函数的执行

  6. if r < utf8.RuneSelf

  7. if cap(b.buf)-l < utf8.UTFMax {
  8. Example

  9. xxx_test.go 其实是xxx包,但是又不想放到xxx包里面,因为它只是提供给_test.go包使用的函数。

  10. rune 码点的处理(reader.go prevRune int // index of previous rune; or < 0)

  11. off 与 offset 尴尬的问题

  12. whence where when ?wiki-whence

  13. // It is similar to bytes.NewBufferString but more efficient and read-only.

  14. Go 1.10 开始引入了 builder


# https://golang.org/doc/go1.10#strings
strings ¶
A new type Builder is a replacement for bytes.Buffer for the use case of accumulating text into a string result. The Builder's API is a restricted subset of bytes.Buffer's that allows it to safely avoid making a duplicate copy of the data during the String method.


  1. wiki-whence
  2. Go 延迟函数 defer 详解
